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What is the EOS Process?

Lloyd Wolf | Professional EOS Implementer®

The EOS Process® is the proven process for helping your leadership team to master the EOS Tools.

I am sometimes asked by entrepreneurs and business leaders to explain to them what the process is like to implement EOS® (the Entrepreneurial Operating System®) in their business. I tell hem there are two phases in the EOS Process®.

The first phase of the EOS Process is about learning the EOS Foundational Tools™. The following is an overview of this phase:

1. 90 Minute Meeting. This introduces the leadership team of a company to EOS, getting everyone on the same page so they can decide if they want to use the system and tools to strengthen their company. Contact me today to schedule the no-obligation 90 Minute Meeting with you and your leadership team. Together we can assess whether EOS is right for your business.

2. The Focus Day™. A full session day (typically 6-8 hours) together to give the leadership team tools to clarify who’s responsible for what, set priorities, improve communication, resolve issues and track critical numbers. The leadership team then uses their new tools in their business for the next 30 days to experience real improvement. 

3. Vision Building™ Day 1. About 30 days later, we spend another day with the leadership team that starts by reviewing and sharpening the Focus Day tools. They then begin to use the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) tool to clarify their vision, starting with who they are, why they exist, what they do and where they are going. They will also get a great tool for reviewing their people.

4. Vision Building™ Day 2. About 30 days later, we spend another day with the leadership team to master the Focus Day tools and continue using the V/TO tool to complete their vision, clarifying their Marketing Strategy, their 3-Year Picture™, 1-Year Plan and priorities for the next 90 days.

From there we transition into the second phase of the EOS Process , which is all about execution. The following is an overview of this phase:

5. Quarterly 1-day Meeting. A day with the leadership team every 90 days to evaluate their performance, refocus, learn more of the tools in the EOS Toolbox™, set priorities for the next 90 days and resolve any issues that might impede their progress.

6. Annual 2-day Meeting. Two Days with the leadership team each year to work on team health and update their vision and plan for the next year and next quarter.

In my experience, it is best to hold these session days offsite. Why? It is so you and your leadership team can truly focus working ON your business instead of becoming distracted with activities in the office related to working IN your business. The companies who achieve the best meeting results hold their session days offsite.

As a Professional EOS Implementer®, I work with businesses in the Greater Pittsburgh Area and Western Pennsylvania – as a teacher, facilitator and coach – to help them implement EOS in their companies. This means I teach leadership teams all of the tools in the EOS Toolbox™. I "facilitate" their foundational, quarterly and annual meetings shown above – providing clarity, alignment and resolution. And I act as a coach – holding everyone accountable and helping the leadership team become its best.

I sometimes get asked how long I work with my clients? At some point, my clients "graduate". They master the process and implement all the tools. I tell people that I typically work with my clients for about 2 years – some shorter, some longer, some continue indefinably (only if they desire). To be clear, my job is NOT to dig myself deeper into my clients' organizations as their EOS Implementer. My job is to tech them the tools, help them implement the tools, and then get out of their way and let THEM run their businesses.

Would you like to learn more about the EOS Process? Help First is one of my Core Values. I’ll give you 90 minutes of my time to tell you more about EOS and show you and your leadership team how to experience "Vision, Traction and Healthy" in your business. This 90 Minute Meeting provides a simple but informative explanation of EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) to help you learn more and decide whether it’s right for you. There’s no better way to tell if EOS is a fit for your business. It's not a sales pitch - it’s just the easiest way for you and your team to connect with me for a overview of the system, the tools and the process. There’s no charge for this meeting, and there is no expectation or obligation to ever work together, I promise. It’s simply meant to answer all your questions and help you and your leadership team decide if you'd like to transform your business with EOS, and if I am the right Professional EOS Implementer for you. Contact me today for an initial discussion or to schedule your no-obligation 90 Minute Meeting.

Lloyd Wolf is a Professional EOS Implementer®. He works with business owners and senior leaders located in the Greater Pittsburgh Area and Western Pennsylvania – as a teacher, meeting facilitator and business coach – to help them implement EOS® (the Entrepreneurial Operating System®) in their organizations. Contact Lloyd today for more information about how you can experience "Vision, Traction and Healthy" in your company using EOS.

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Professional EOS Implementer®
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