By Lloyd Wolf | Professional EOS Implementer®
31 Mar, 2021
I’m sure you’ve seen cartoons like this one. It does a great job of humorously exposing the universal problem many business owners and leaders find themselves in – feeling so overwhelmed with the daily/weekly/monthly challenges of running their business that they are blind and deaf to solutions that can eliminate (or at least significantly reduce) those challenges. I call this “but I’m too busy to solve my biggest problems”. Whether you are putting out fires with customers or clients, dealing with people issues, working on growth or profitability, juggling projects or simply going about your day-to-day job, do you feel like there never seems to be a good time to take on anything else? People often use “but I’m too busy” as an excuse not to have to deal with the real challenges or issues at hand. They often hide behind, buy into, and believe they are truly too busy. If you feel this way or have ever felt this way, that just makes you normal. Lots of business owners and leaders feel that way, or have felt that way at some point. I know there were times when I felt that way when I owned and was running my former IT business. Sometimes those daily/weekly/monthly challenges felt so overwhelming. But just look at the cartoon. Isn’t it painfully obvious the cavemen pulling and pushing the cart should take the time to get assistance from the caveman offering them wheels? I was blessed in 2015 when a trusted business friend handed me a copy of the book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman and introduced me to EOS® (the Entrepreneurial Operating System®). Think of EOS as the round wheels in the cartoon. EOS is a complete and proven business system, with simple and practical tools, that align and synchronize all the pieces of a business. It creates a clear overall vision, provides real traction in achieving that vision, and leads to more control, better results, and healthy teams. EOS addresses business issues at their root – rather than spot treatments and rather than treating symptoms of issues. Think how much easier life would be for the cavemen moving their cart if they had the benefit of round wheels! For me and my leadership team, yes implementing EOS was work and required our time. But it ultimately SAVED us time and made things better. What opportunities do you have to make things better for you and your business – but you’ve said you’re too busy? Are you really going to have more time next month? Next Quarter? Next year? Or will you still be just as busy if you don't make a fundamental change? I encourage you to pause, take a step back, look around, and see what opportunities are right in front of you that could make things better. Are you feeling too busy with your business? Are you frustrated with the status quo and wish there was a better way? I am blessed to be able to help business owners and leaders implement a set of wheels that have successfully helped thousands of others run better businesses and live better lives. If you’re open to learning more, reach out to me – if you’re not too busy 😊.